Captains' Seminar in Palma De Mallorca

Fraser is pleased to invite a select group of captains to an instructive and educational seminar on 2nd February in Palma de Mallorca

The seminar will take place in the trendy offices of OmniAccess and topics will include mini ISM & full ISM, Yacht Management by Fraser and TCN, the latest developments in cybersecurity and connectivity with OmniAccess, coating services and expertise with Safinah Group, Biofuel with Peninsula and Crew Welfare by Tracey Jones Life.
SEMINAR PROGRAMME 09:00 09:30 Welcome and coffee
09:30 10:00 Fraser & The Crew Network - Introduction, mini & full ISM
10:00 - 11:00 OmniAcces Cybersecurity & Connectivity
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 - 12.30 Safinah Group - coating services & expertise
12:45 - 14:15 Lunch at the Can Petit Bistro restaurant, next-door OmniAccess office
14:30 - 15:30 Peninsula Petroleum - Biofuel
15:30 - 16:30 Tracey Jones Life - Crew Welfare
16:30 Tea time & Finish -------------------------------
Numbers for this Event are strictly limited, however places are available. If you would like to request an invitation, please contact the Fraser Events team.
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